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- TF01
- 3,The Hunter - Part 1
- 4,by Stuart Mackaness
- The Vanguard Chronicles - "The Hunter"
- ----------------------------------------
- by Stuart Mackaness
- ---------------------
- "Shields collapsing!" Lieutenant Hakon roared from the Tactical rail.
- The ship bucked again. This time the shock was enough to send
- Counselor Drayton careening into the food replicator. Blood pouring
- from his nose and forhead he slowly slid down the wall. Before
- Captain T'Jun could do anything she was forced to hold onto the
- command chair as another blast struck her ship.
- "Fire phasers and photon torpedoes." The Vulcan ordered.
- "Weapon control not responding!" Hakon howled in frustration.
- The ship rolled again, a roar from behind T'Jun told her something
- was awry. Hakon's body hurtling over her only confirmed that
- assesment.
- T'Jun considered for a second. "Reroute all Tactical functions
- through Ops, continue scanning the enemy vessel's hull," she turned
- to face the young ensign at the helm, "Continue evasive manoeuvres
- Ensign Gates and ensure that only our prow is visible."
- She watched with interest as the young officer simply sat there
- looking at her. Tears began to roll down his burning cheeks.
- She stood up and spoke to him in her usual neutral tone. "Did you
- hear me ensign?"
- He sat there, huge sobs now racking his body.
- Humans, she thought, so much emotion.
- The ship on the view screen turned again, its angular hull reminded
- her of the Tholian Webslingers the Crystallio had encountered many
- times in her missions along their boarder. This ship was different
- though, with two long, curved pylons jutting out from the underside
- of the wedge shaped hulll. A third pylon stuck out from the front and
- this seemed to be the location of the ship's main armament. Ops had
- informed her that the beam which kept striking her ship were composed
- of 'inverted sotrions'. T'Jun wasn't sure what inverted sotrions
- were.
- A dull roar flooded the bridge, T'Jun saw her first officers lips
- move in some Bolian profanity and then blackness engulfed her.
- The Crystallio exploded, fragments of debris scattering across
- space.
- Satisfied at the kill, the hunter moved on.
- Lieutenant Macha Hermandez studied her communication readout for a
- momment and then slapped her communicator.
- "Hermandez to Captain Warner."She called.
- There was an undetectable pause as the Vanguard's computer routed the
- call.
- "Warner here, go ahead Lieutenant." He responded.
- "Sir, we have recived a subspace message for you from Admiral Cohen
- at Starbase 247."
- "Patch it through to my quaters." He replied automatically.
- "Sir," she added, "It's code four delta."
- Warner let this sink in for a second. "Very well, I'm enroute to the
- bridge. Warner out."
- The Hispanic chief of security began ordering checks to the weapon
- systems. Whatever the message was about, four delta meant it was
- trouble. Macha always preferred a few phaser banks at the ready when
- trouble was around.
- * * *
- Jonathan Warner waited for the crew woman to leave the turbolift and
- then stepped in. The doors snapping shut as he entered.
- "Bridge" he ordered, the 'lift car humming into life.
- Code four delta meant that the message contained information on an
- unknown threat to Starfleet security. Warner prayed it wasn't the
- Borg. He had his fill of the Borg in the scare a few months ago.
- There had been a press release declaring that the Borg threat was
- over, but Warner wasn't sure. Well, if it was the Borg, the Vanguard
- would get a slice of the action this time, unlike the fiasco at Wolf
- 359.
- The rythmic flashing lights either side of the 'lift slowed and with
- a 'swoosh' the doors opened onto the bridge.
- Of all the places on the ship, this was his favourite. The circular
- room always gave the impression that it had remained unchanged in the
- Excelsior class ship's sixty two years of service. This was obviously
- untrue but it made all of Warner's actions seem like something out of
- a period play.
- Warner took a mental regester for the bridge crew. Lieutenant
- Commander Karma was at her post on Ops, continually checking on the
- status of the ship and the resources which had been alocated to the
- various science and engineering departments. Actually Karma wasn't at
- her post, she was levitating a foot above the seat. When Warner had
- first seen this ability on her file, he had questioned it's day to
- day use. He didn't know about the Farenoids - or 'fairies' as they
- had been inevitably branded. If he had known about them he would have
- realised that his second officer was just over eighteen inches high
- and had the temperment of the devil himself.
- Junior Grade Lieutenant Robert Dean was busying himself at the Con,
- with their current surveying mission taking them across the boarder
- of a large asteroid field, the young, dark haired officer had to
- ensure that the Vanguard didn't end up spread across the sector by an
- asteroid which was too big to be shunted out of the way by the
- navigational deflector.
- Lieutenant Hermandez was likewise engrossed with her sensor readings,
- not quite trusting the helmsman's famed skill to keep the ship in one
- piece. Warner knew that if she could, she would cut a clear path
- through the field with phasers and the occasional photon torpedo. She
- wasn't the best person to put in command of an exploration vessel,
- but she made one hell of a tactical officer. She would have been
- snapped up with a position on a Nebula class starship if she could
- control that hot headed attitude of hers. He only hoped that if she
- did get a command, she wouldn't loose it in a risk like his first
- officer had. Warner suddenly realised who was missing from the
- bridge.
- "Where's Commander Halk?" He demanded.
- "Her whereabouts are unknown sir." Macha replied instantly.
- "Karma?" Warner prompted.
- "How should I know!" Karma snapped.
- Warner let the insubordination slip, he knew from past experience
- that someone in Starfleet was obviously looking out for her and
- pulled apart all the attempts he made for a formal reprimand. Another
- reason was her outstanding service both as a Science officer and as
- third in command. He also knew that her attitude problem either
- stemmed from her being the only surviving member of her race or that
- it was a natural trait for a fairy. Farenoid, Warner immediately
- corrected himself. Perhaps the constant cruel alteration of her race
- name only angered her more.
- Warner attempted to call his first officer to the bridge twice more
- before consulting the computer.
- "Computer." He began.
- "Working." Came the reply.
- "Where is Commander Lyrinda Halk?"
- "Commander Halk is on deck eight in the holodeck." It replied
- instantly.
- "Why can't I contact her?" He demanded.
- "There is a communications blockout on that facility."
- "What? On whose authority?" He demanded.
- "On the authority of Commander Halk. Alpha One clearence."
- Warner looked in amazement at his chief of security. "What the hell
- is she playing at?"
- He turned to face the view screen in a subconcious action and said
- icily, "Over-ride communications blockout on the holodeck, Alpha Two
- clearance!"
- The computer chirped for an instant and then replied in it's
- unemotional female tones, "Communications have been restored to the
- holodeck."
- Warner angrily slapped his communicator, "Captain Warner to Commander
- Halk." he called, emphsising the rank as he always did when he was
- giving someone a dressing down.
- After a brief pause the chanel was opened and a low sigh was heard.
- "Commander Halk here." came a tired sounding voice.
- "Commander, this is Captain Warner. What are you doing on the
- holodeck?"
- "I'm off duty right now." She replied , sounding slightly distant.
- "Are you a senior officer?" Warner asked.
- "Of course sir, I'm your first officer." Halk said puzzled.
- "Then when I ask for all the senior officers to report to the bridge,
- am I to asume it would include you?"
- Obvously realisation dawned on Commander Halk as there was an awkward
- pause.
- "My apologies Captain, I'm on my way. Halk out."
- "Captain, Admiral Cohen is calling us again." Hermandez informed him.
- The message! It was code four delta! He forgot!
- "Damn!" He muttered.
- "Pardon sir?" Macha asked.
- "Nothing Lieutenant, please put the Admiral on screen." Warner
- replied clamly.
- With a nod of acknowledgement, she caressed the smooth, touch
- sensitive controls on her station and looked towards the main view
- screen expectantly. The United Federation of Planets symbol appeared,
- set against a black background with 'Code 4 Delta' in capitals
- underneath it. The image changed to that of a black, middle aged man
- wearing the cranberry uniform of a command officer. The design of the
- uniform and the pips set on a gold and black bar identified him as
- an admiral in Starfleet.
- "Admiral Cohen." Warner presumed.
- "Yes Captain, what was the delay?" Cohen said sharply.
- Warner carefully phrased his words, he was confident that Lyrinda
- would explain herself at a more convenient time.
- "Sorry sir, we are having problems with our warp drive. Being an old
- ship the Vanguard has developed some quirks." Warner explained,
- wondering how the warp drive was going to credibly delay the
- transmition.
- "And..?" Cohen prompted, taking no trouble to hide his puzzlement.
- "It's an old problem my engineers complain about when we sometimes
- drop out of warp." Warner continued. "The engines refuse to start
- again unless Lieutenant Gart, my Chief Engineer, strips down the
- tertiary power coupling and replaces the power regulator.
- "You mean it blows a fuse?" Cohen said skeptically.
- "In a manner of speaking, yes." Warner agreed.
- "And this affects my transmittion?"
- "Aparently so." Warner said deadpan.
- If the Admiral bought the story or not, he didn't show it. Warner
- turned briefly to acknowledge Commander Halk, who had just stepped
- out of the turbolift and was now making her way towards the Mission
- Opperations station where she usually worked when both she and the
- Captain were on the bridge. Warner returned his attention to the view
- screen.
- "Captain Warner," Cohen began, "Two months ago the USS Crystallio
- went missing while enroute to the Beta Maximus colony. No trace of
- the ship has been found, and no message has been received. We are now
- working under the assumption that it left its flightpath for reasons
- unknown. One possibility could be that it was going to answer a
- distress call from the USS Enforcer in the Dallis system. The
- Enforcer recived no response from the Crystallio to say it was on
- its way though. We have the Regata searching the Colliar and Dantona
- systems and the Draken searching the Muhadra nebula."
- "What can we do to help?" Warner asked.
- "We want you to check out sector three four seven." Cohen informed
- him.
- "Just us sir? That's an awful lot of space to cover." Warner replied.
- "It's mostly empty, a few systems and a gaseous anomaly but nothing
- else. Besides," he added, "We're teaming you up with the USS
- Andromeda."
- After signing off and laying in the course, Jonathan left the bridge
- with Karma in command. Halk muttered something about shutting down a
- holodeck program and left the bridge. With an estimated fourteen
- hours to their destination, Warner took the chance to read up on the
- various elements in his quarters.
- First up was the USS Crystallio. Ambassador class, it was commanded
- by Captain T'Jun who was a Vulcan of some standing and was heavilly
- involved in the Brok'Navor project on Cengus IV. She didn't have a
- particularly outstanding service record, but a note on the bottom of
- her file indicated she had submitted a thesis on 'Humans and their
- emotional drives'. An unusual choice for a Vulcan but probably not
- important in relation to the mission.
- Flicking through the details on the Draken and Enforcer, Warner
- finally came across the file on the Andromeda. Warner groaned
- inwardly. The Andromeda was the prototype for the mistrusted
- Andromeda class of ships. Forerunners of the Nebula class starships,
- they were incredibly fast for their time but suffered from poor
- defensive and average offensive capabilities. That alone wouldn't
- upset him - there was a famous saying: 'There are no bad ships, only
- bad Captains.' This was especially true for the Captain of the
- Andromeda.
- How James Chenery became a starship Captain was anyone's guess.
- Although nepotism didn't exist in the fleet, the fact that Admiral
- Olgar was incharge of the personnel department at the time and that
- he also held a seat at the selection council, meant that if he was so
- inclined he could get his nephew a command without his nephew
- actually earning one. Such discusions and scuttlebutt were passed off
- by everyone as jealousy - Chenery was one of the youngest Captains
- in Starfleet. But the number of poor command decisions and failed
- missions were infamous. The disasterous first contact mission with
- the planet H'sitreb led to the death of his first officer and the
- loss of two shuttlecraft. This coupled with the bad relations that
- currently exist with the H'sitrebi people means that promotion was
- unlikely for Captain Chenery. There was even talk of demotion to the
- rank of Commander in charge at Deep Space Four on the M'Dok boarder.
- Putting these thoughts aside, Jonathan examined the file on the
- USS Regata. Not that he needed to, the Regata was one of the most
- famous starships in the history of the Federation. Its name stood
- along side those of the original starship Enterprise, the Enterprise-
- D and the USS Hood. Commanded by Captain Kimi Nile, who was decorated
- four times for outstanding service and exemplory performance, the
- Regata was Starfleet's most popular ship. Especially since Nile and
- her command team had appeared on Tri-D vision three years ago after
- the Regata was the only ship to return from the armada at Wolf 359.
- Something didn't feel right about all of this. Why was a ship as
- useful as the Regata undertaking a search mission? Why is Starfleet
- sending at least five starships out on a simple recovery mission?
- Maybe one or two, but not five!
- "What's Cohen up to?" Warner muttered.
- * * *
- The hunter drifted onwards, it's prey thought it hadn't been seen. No
- pathetic camouflage was going to save this beast. It leisurely
- circled round it's prey, looking for a good place to strike. This one
- seemed an even greater challenge than the previous one. It was nearly
- three times as large and seemed more readily equipped for fighting
- than the first kill. Suddenly the hunter noticed it's prey move off,
- dropping it's cloaking screen. The game was afoot!
- Commander Valok of the Romulan Star Empire realised that the enemy
- was closing to strike.
- "Sveuj ne lesoon!" he barked to Sub-commander Nevret, who quickly
- reached the secondary weapons station. He wanted as many shots at
- this d'chwim before he was forced to retreat. If this was the foe
- which had destroyed the Warbird Haakona at Rujes XI then the Scliad
- was in for a fierce fight indeed.
- The warbird shook as the enemy opened up on them. Bolts of death
- slammed into the shields The ship shook again, this time part of the
- oppeations room collapsed, crushing the aft weapon and defence
- stations.
- "Nevret! Lah bune heims?" Valok called out as his first officer was
- buried under a shattered bulkhead.
- Another blast slammed into the ship, this time the navigation systems
- burned out and most of the command crew were killed as the internal
- electrical systems began arcing. Valok threw himself from his command
- throne just in time as a blast ripped through the back of the seat.
- Pewolt, his head of external activities rushed to the main weapons
- console. With it's operator either dead or unconcious, the warbird
- wasn't returning fire.
- Valok muttered an old Romulan war song to himself as the lights began
- to fail. Monitors flickered and died. A garbled report from his
- enginering corps mentioned a power core meltdown but then burst into
- a screach of static and died. Valok watched as his world exploded
- around him.
- The prey spiraled below the hunter, explosion after explosion ripped
- through the once graceful lines, slowly it tumbled into a fiery
- grave. The hunter moved on, it's attention caught by a faint signal
- from a far off nebula. The hunt goes on!